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JERREAL MISSICK, 22, of Over Back, Grand Turk and SHAQUAZE FORBES, 21, also from Over Back, are expected to appear before a Magistrate charged with the following offences. 

1) Gang Membership; 
2) Possession of a Firearm; 
3) Possession of Ammunition and  
4) Discharging Firearm 

Both Mr Missick and Mr Forbes were charged under the Anti-Gang Ordinance (2022) following an investigation into the discharging of a firearm incident that occurred on February 13th 2024, in Over Back. 

The charges came after police officers consulted with the Office of the Director of Public  Prosecutions. 

Head of Crime, Safeguarding, and Public Protection Superintendent Dean Holden said: “This is another example of the Police Force’s relentless pursuit of those suspected to be involved in gang-related crime, specifically the criminal use of illegal firearms. This latest charge also demonstrates our continued use of the Anti-Gang legislation to target individuals who cause harm to our communities”. 

The RTCIPF is asking the public to notify the closest police station, contact 911, the Serious  Crime Unit at 231-1842, Crime Stoppers at 1-800-8477, and anonymously give any information on illegal activity. 

Additionally, persons are encouraged to download the CrimeStoppers P3 app from the Google  Play store or Apple Apps and share information anonymously.