Who We Are
The Traffic Enforcement Department is the arm of the Royal Turks and Caicos Islands Police Force which has the responsibility of enforcing the Road Traffic Ordinance, Motor Vehicle Third Party Insurance Ordinance and Motor Vehicles (Driving Licences) Ordinance to ensure safety on the roadways within the Turks and Caicos Islands. The Department’s main mandate is to provide an active presence throughout the islands on a daily basis through proactive patrols, stop searches, spot checks and Road Safety Awareness Programmes to mitigate against road traffic offences and motor vehicle collisions especially fatalities.
What We Do
The Traffic Enforcement Department functions includes but is not limited to:
- Issuing of traffic tickets for traffic offences
- Issuing of speeding tickets
- Conducting traffic and speed checks
- Serving of summons
- Executing warrants
- Preparation of case files
- Escorts
- Establishing strategic vehicular checkpoints
- Processing of motor vehicle collision and accident scenes
- Investigation of traffic offences
- Attending post mortem
- School visits
- Preparation of monthly and years traffic statistics
- Maintaining the conviction database
- Daily morning traffic report.
The Department serves an effective team which ensures that motorist of abreast of their responsibilities as well as the penalties that are associated with traffic breaches and offences. The team also educates motorists and pedestrians about amendments to the laws through the use of school visits, interaction during traffic checks as well as the traffic morning report medium.