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The presence of an officer of the Royal Turks and Caicos Islands Police  Force,  was officially introduced to the residents of Salt Cay yesterday, (May 30th) morning in Salt Cay.

Deputy Commissioner of Police Rodney Adams made the announcement at a ceremony held by the Turks and Caicos Islands Government, announcing the appointment of the new District Commissioner (DC)  –Asha Thomas and the retirement of outgoing D.C Almaida Wilson. 

Present at the event were Her Excellency, the Acting Governor Mrs. Anya Williams, Hon. Premier Charles Washington Misick, Hon. Deputy Premier Hon. E. Jay Saunders, Opposition Leader Hon. Edwin Astwood, Members of Government, Superintendent of Police (Community Policing and Divisions) Dwight Gardiner, past and present Permanent Secretaries and residents of Salt Cay.

In making his remarks,  Mr. Adams said, that the opening of this post and police presence came following the persistent advocacy of the outgoing D.C.

“She fought for the return of a police officer on the Island of Salt Cay for her entire time in post. We have had many visits to the Island looking at accommodations and office space in the last year. There were times in the earlier years of her tenure when it might have seemed as if her calls were getting nowhere. However, she stayed focused and relentless in her calls for an officer to be posted on the Island. Thanks, D.C. Wilson for showing that consistency pays off.”

Announcing it was his pleasure to present to the Salt Cay community, Constable Stanley Been as the officer in charge, Mr. Adams said: “PC Been has over six years of service in the RT&CIPF and is a dedicated and experienced police officer who has been assigned to serve your community. We are confident that he will provide the necessary support to ensure the safety and security of the island.”

The acting top cop called on PC Been to serve without fear or favour and that policing requires trust and honesty every day. 

In closing, Mr. Adams told PC Been:  “You now represent the senior leadership of the Force. Your decisions or indecisions will have a lasting impact on not just yourself, but the police service as well. You have a team of professionals, supervisors and managers to support you. Please make use of them from day one. We are all here to support you as you take on this new challenge.”

Governor Williams, in her address, expressed gratitude to the RTCIPF for heeding the call of residents for a police presence.

Premier Misick during his remarks said: “South Cay has been asking for a police presence and now that we have one, we are doing all we can to empower the police and ensure they have the manpower”.

Hon. Astwood welcomed the police presence saying it is long overdue and applauded PC Been telling those gathered: “Salt Cay you have a wonderful young man, he will guide and protect you”.

Mrs. Wilson, in her speech, said she had been advocating for a police presence on the island for years and though she has never been weary: “It feels good leaving the island with a police officer present. I have done all I can to get Salt Cay what was needed. My promise has been fulfilled”.

Entertainment for the event was provided by the RTCIPF band and students of the Mary Robinson Primary School, while Sgt. Huntley Forbes Jr. served as the Master of Ceremonies.