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Pascal-BacchusThe Royal Turks and Caicos Islands Police Force is happy to release that one of its Commissioned Officers, Assistant Superintendent Pascal Bacchus, has been awarded a Master Degree in National Security and Strategic Studies with Distinction from the University of the West Indies Mona Campus, Jamaica.

The Master in National Security and Strategic Studies serves not only to complement the professional training of the senior managers of the security sector in the region, but in many instances, provides them with the opportunity of exposure to the rigors of Graduate Studies in a field very applicable to their day to day activities and fluid security landscape.

The educational emphasis is placed on a policy oriented approach, as well as on critical examination of the theories and concepts that have influenced regional strategic, defense and anti-crime policies. Particular attention is paid to emerging strategic trends that pose long-term challenges to Caribbean security as a region and individual countries, and raise complex trade-offs for policy makers.

This achievement emphasized the Police Force continued support of its officers in their personal development and to provide them with academic tools and competencies to address the many law enforcement challenges that are affecting the TCI today.

ASP Bacchus is the first officer in the TCI to have received academic achievement in this area of study and is excited to use his new knowledge to inform policy and strategic decision making of the Police Force.