Service with Pride and Integrity

For Emergency, Call 9-1-1

The Royal Turks and Caicos Islands Police Force, Immigration, Customs, Revenue Control, and the Environmental Health Department continued with Operation Pursuit today (June 14th).

The operation commenced at 11:00 a.m. and concluded shortly after 2:00 p.m., at a job site in the Long Bay, Providenciales district. 

When officers arrived at the site, several employees ran off in various directions. FOURTEEN males were detained were held for Immigration purposes.

Yesterday (June 13th) the TCI Border Force officers conducted early morning operations in Providenciales at an informal settlement in Blue Hills and along the roadways. 

The operations commenced at 4 am and ended shortly after 7 am. 

The following are the results of yesterday’s operations:

Persons detained for immigration purposes: THIRTY-FOUR (34)

Tickets issued for unlicensed driving: TWO (2)

Vehicles towed: ONE (1)

Operation Pursuit involves a Multi-Agency operational framework, designed to locate, identify, and process persons engaged in ALL illegal activities within the TCI. These operations entail a collaborative effort from all our essential partners at the re-established Turks Caicos Islands Joint Law Enforcement Group (J-LEG).

The RTCIPF wishes to remind the public that under the Immigration Ordinance:

Power of immigration officer to examine persons being in the Islands unlawfully 51. (1)

An immigration officer may examine a person whom he reasonably suspects— (a) of having entered the Islands unlawfully; or (b) of being in the Islands in breach of any condition or restriction of his permit to enter or reside in the Islands. (2) A person on being examined by an immigration officer under this section may be required to produce any documents in his possession, custody, or control.”

Under the Immigration Ordinance, it is OFFENCE to: 

19.(2) A person shall not employ, whether on his own behalf or on behalf of another, another person whether under a contract of employment or a contract for services who, under subsection (1), is prohibited from engaging in any gainful occupation.

(2) If any person, in contravention of section 19(2), employs a person prohibited by section 19(1) from engaging in any gainful occupation, he commits an offence and is liable to a fine of $10,000 or to imprisonment for a term of two years, or to both; (b) if the offence is a continuing one, is liable to a further fine not exceeding $100 for every day”