Secure all jewelry and other valuables before leaving home by placing them in a safe location
Take colour photos and measurements of valuables that do not have serial numbers and store them in a safe location
Mark your initial or date of birth on your valuables in an area where they cannot be easily seen
Lock doors and secure all windows before leaving home
Consider installing burglar bars if you live in an area prone to criminal activities
Ask your neighbours to be on the lookout for any unusual visitors to your house
Purchase and install an alarm system for your home
- Consider installing a CCTV System
Remove dense vegetation from around your property
Install a safe to secure your valuables. Ensure it is mounted to the floor
Contact Inspector Ennis Grant at
Tel: 649 946 2299 Ext 50732
Phone:649 231 1498
Fax: 649 946 1023
Email: ennis.grant@tcipolice.tc