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The Royal Turks and Caicos Islands Police Force (RT&CIPF) concluded its two-day transformative Senior Leadership Retreat yesterday (November 28th).  

This pivotal event brought together the senior management team to redefine the force’s future,  exploit technology through policing, and strengthen the RT&CIPF’s commitment to public safety and community trust. 

Acting Commissioner Fitz Bailey envisioned the retreat, which focused on evaluating the force’s current state and developing strategies to address the evolving challenges of modern policing and serious and violent crimes with an emphasis on irregular migration. The retreat also emphasized the importance of accountability, continuous professional development and succession planning within the Force. 

Through in-depth discussions and assessments, the team identified critical priorities for improving operational effectiveness and enhancing service delivery. 

One of the retreat’s significant outcomes was the establishment of a comprehensive mandate that will underpin the RT&CIPF’s Strategic Plan for 2024–2027.  

“As we move forward, we are committed to ensuring our service is responsive, skilled, and equipped to meet the demands of policing. We have persons within the Force who have an abundance of skills and the requisite qualifications, and we must develop these skills and use them to serve better”, acting Commissioner Bailey said. “The RT&CIPF reaffirms its dedication to excellence, adaptability, and community collaboration as it embarks on implementing this ambitious and forward-looking plan. At this level, we know what is required and will work on getting it right”, Commissioner Bailey added.