Service with Pride and Integrity

For Emergency, Call 9-1-1

The Police Records Department wishes to advise applicants who applied and paid for their Police  Records under the former system (prior to June 28th, 2023), and who are yet to upload proof of payments, to visit the Police Headquarters, Old Airport Road, between the hours of 3:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m with their payment vouchers. 

This time slot applies ONLY to those who are yet to upload proof of payments. 

Additionally, the RTCIPF wishes to advise persons applying for their Police Records to comply with the following photograph requirements. 

Your photo must have been taken in the last month and must be:  

1) Clear and in focus 

2) In colour 

3) Unaltered by computer software (NO FILTERS or INSTAGRAM PHOTOS)  4) Contain no other objects or people (NO Plants, Animals, etc.) 

5) Be taken against a plain light-colored/white background (NO SELFIES) 6) Not having ‘red eye’ 

7) Be facing forwards and looking straight at the camera 

8) Have a plain expression and your mouth closed 

9) Have your eyes open and visible 

10) Not have hair in front of your eyes 

11) Not have a head covering (unless it’s for religious or medical reasons)

12) Do Not have anything covering your face 

13) Do Not have any shadows on your face or behind you. 

Kindly note: Your application will be delayed if your photos do not meet the rules.